Home » Wet Weather Autumn
How have you spent these past wet days at Warren Forest? Do you prefer to get your wellies on and head out for a walk or curl up with a good book?

The trees are glorious at the moment. Leaves are being shed thick and fast, the shades of reds and golds are beautiful and setting out for a wet ramble is well worth the effort. The hedgerows and bushes are laden with berries, ready to feed the birds and mushroom life is thriving.

If you prefer to stay snuggled up in your holiday home with a good book, then it may be worth your while venturing to the library to take a look at some of the more recent donations. Brand new and excellent condition books have been donated over the last few weeks. We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you. These donations keep the quality of the books high and add even further variety.

However you choose to spend the days, we hope that the final couple of weeks of the season are wonderful.