Home » Super Celebrations & a Super Moon

This time last week were serving wine in the Library for our Autumn social. We realise that many of you finish for the season before the clocks “fall” back and we feel it is a lovely way to bring the season towards an end. Thank you for all of the messages to say how much you enjoyed it. Thank you also to Niddway for providing such stunning & scrumptious platters for us, laden with cheese, fruits and all other manner of goodies.

A huge thank you to Jane for our cocktails cupcakes, there wasn’t a scrap left and most of our messages have been in appreciation of the cupcakes!

For those that are continuing to visit into November, we hope the remaining couple of weeks are as bright and beautiful as today!

Do not forget, as those nights drawer in, to look up. Remember we have dark skies status here at Warren Forest where we are nestled in the heart of Nidderdale. These images of the super moon were captured by our talented photographer customers. Enjoy!